
الوظائف المقدمة في إطار General

how to setup and use AI beng chat - Cover Image
how to setup and use AI beng chat

Beng chat is a chatbot that can answer your questions, generate content, and entertain you with jokes, stories, poems, and more. You can also switch between different modes: balanced, creative, and pr

What Can I do with AI - Cover Image
What Can I do with AI

These are some of the ways I use AI in my life as a human. AI is not perfect, and it has its limitations and risks. But it also has a lot of potential and benefits for us humans. What about you?

الذكاء الأصطناعي كيف يعمل وأنواعة - Cover Image
الذكاء الأصطناعي كيف يعمل وأنواعة

الذكاء الاصطناعي هو تقنية تمكن الكمبيوتر أو الروبوت المتحكم به بالكمبيوتر أو البرنامج من التفكير أو التصرف بطريقة “إنسانية”